One of the major prob lems many peo ple face is get ting traf fic to a blog, and the truth in the online world is that traf fic is very essential to any online busi ness you do; it is traf fic that brings about people that buy.
1. Blog Com ment ing
I just began to real ize the power of blog com ment ing. Blog com ment ing is a pow er ful way to get traf fic to your web site espe cially if done wisely and on a large scale.
One major thing about blog com ment ing is that it also helps you build a great brand when peo ple begin to see your com ments every here and there.
It is very impor tant to make use of avatars when try ing to get traf fic to your blog through blog com ment ing because this will help peo ple take note of you when they begin to see you every where every now and then. Being the first per son to com ment also helps a lot because most peo ple are likely to visit the web sites of a few of the first com menters and they rarely visit the rest.
When com ment ing to get traf fic, qual ity is bet ter than quan tity because a lot of blog gers will delete your com ment if you write generic comments and read ers tend to click on valu able com ments more than any other com ments because they believe some one with this type of great com ment will also have some thing sim i lar on his blog.
2. Guest Post ing
7 of the top ten refer rers in my ana lyt ics data are from my guest posts and all of them sent me over 150 unique vis i tors. Guest post ing is really effec tive and the power of a guest post should never be underestimated.
One thing I have come to notice with guest posts is that peo ple pre fer qual ity over quan tity; if your guest post is a great one then you will get more vis i tors from it than just writ ing anything.
Many peo ple tend to write just any guest post because they believe since the blog is not theirs then their best post should be on their blog, this is not sup posed to be because of sev eral rea sons. One major advan tage of sub mit ting qual ity guest posts is that it helps you build a rela tion ship with the blog ger and his read ers but if you just write any thing there is a prob a bil ity of the blog ger declin ing your post, and if he doesn’t his read ers will not visit your blog. The bet ter your guest post, the bet ter your result.
3. Blogging Com mu ni ties
This is one under uti lized traf fic gen er a tion strat egy many blog gers don’t use, many blog gers tend to give excuses that they are busy, If you are busy then you might want to be sub mit ting your guest posts to blog ging com mu ni ties every weekend.
Some of the best blog ging com mu ni ties are MMO Social Net work and Blog Engage; these two net works have sent me hun dreds of vis i tors over time.
One major thing to con sider when try ing to get the best from blog ging com mu ni ties is that you have to have high qual ity posts and you also have to build rela tion ship because peo ple tend to vote up peo ple they know and if you have an high qual ity post peo ple will be more inclined to visit your blog.
4. Forum Marketing
There was a time I signed up to the war rior forums and with only 50 posts I had already got ten over 70 vis i tors to my blog, I didn’t post a link to my blog in my posts, it was in the signature.
You can get great results from forum mar ket ing if it is done prop erly, one great thing to con sider when try ing to mar ket your blog through forums is that it is very impor tant to try as much as pos si ble to help oth ers and not just spam peo ple for your benefit.
If your aim is to go to forums to go and spam then within a short period of time you will be banned but if you focus on help ing as many peo ple as pos si ble the end result will be you last ing longer in the forum, hav ing more friends and build ing more stronger rela tion ship and you will also have more traf fic and authority.
Some great forums to get started are the War rior Forum and Dig i tal point Forum.
5. Mailing List
I wouldn’t have put this on this list but it is also a very effec tive way to get traf fic to your blog. I was check ing my over all stats today and I dis cov ered that my mail ing list has sent me hun dreds of vis i tors, this is a good num ber because I only sent my posts to them a few times.
One of the major ben e fits of a mail ing list is the instant result it pro vides, peo ple tend to respond faster because they are closer to their email than any other thing.
I have also observed mails I sent and I dis cov ered that your titles mat ter, I have had sent emails have as low as 15% open rate and I have also had emails have over 35% open rate but what mat ters most is the title. If you have a cool and attrac tive title then you will get more results than hav ing generic titles.
Get ting traf fic to blogs used to be a dif fi cult task and I started notic ing a dif fer ence over time. It is the tips in this post that is help ing me get thou sands of vis i tors to my 3 months old blog every week, use them to your advan tage and you will be amazed at how they work.
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