Thursday, September 30, 2010

6 Dollar Paypal Money Method, As seen on Oprah and ABC's 20/20 investigations

    FAST CASH $6 PAYPAL as seen on OPRAHQuick MoneyTHIS IS INSANE IT REALLY WORKSQUICK MONEY -- FAST CASHAt first I thought this was too good to be true, how wrong I wasI decided to give it a go, it was only 6 dollars ,so why not?Well I was astounded Money has, and still is coming to my account.As Seen On OPRAH & 20/20 - TURN $6 into $24,600 (or more, that'sjustwhat he made)Earn money using PAYPAL as seen on Oprah & 20/20THE PAYPAL $6 DOLLAR MONEY-MAKING METHODAS SEEN ON OPRAH EARN HUGE $$$$$$$$ Ok this is all you need:1) An email address2) A PayPal account3) then POST,POST,POST,POST,POST,POST,POST,POST,POST..........THIS IS A 2007, CURRENT EMAIL LISTEver since the internet became popular, the word scam has becomea daily term. I have never once tried any money making systemoutside of this because of that very reason. However, after readingreports on the validity and reputation of this money making system(seen on Oprah, CNN, and other media forums) I gave it a try.Only hours after implementing this exact system I about fell out ofmy chair as money ACTUALLY started rolling in. I couldn't believe itand for that reason, I became a believer in this system.?WHAT IS IT?The idea is that of a system that takes advantage of the power ofcompounding. And in a big way, let me tell you. First and foremostunderstand that there are countless spin-offs of this system thattry to make a quick buck off of people. Long lists, the 5 & 10dollar trees, the birthday systems, etc... Those spin-offs do makemoney because of the ease of implementation of this idea, butthey do NOT use the compounding advantage.This system is THE legit and profitable one.HERE IS HOW IT WORKS...There is a list of 6 email addresses (you'll see it as you readfurther).Each of these people has already taken part in this system.When someone new comes along (such as yourself) he/she removes #1off of the list, moves the other five email addresses up one position(i.e. #6 goes to #5, #5 to #4, etc.), and adds their PayPal emailaddress in the 6 position.This process is what develops the power of compounding.The bottom line is this... Honesty and Integrity createsProfitability.Following this EXACT process is what creates the money,and that is why this system has been raved about in the Altering thesystem creates weak results. The legality of this system comes fromthe idea that you are of course creating a mailing list, and aservice is being provided (more on that later.) Now on to howyour SpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpam creates BIG money...INSTRUCTIONS:STEP 1:The first thing to doCOPY, PASTE and SAVE this entire post in wordor notepad on your computer so you can come back to it later.After that, if you are not already a PayPal user you need to go tothe PayPal website at1. and SIGN UP.To receive credit card payments from other people you must sign upfor a PREMIER or BUSINESS account (not just a PERSONAL account).This is highly recommended to allow others easy payment options.To place the initial $6 into your account, you will have to verifyyour bank account with PAYPAL (which may take a few days).PAYPAL is 100% secure and is used by millions of people worldwide.STEP 2:Here is where the action occurs.Then next send a $1.00 payment to each of the 6 email addresseson the current list from your PayPal account. To do this quickly andsuccessfully, follow these simple steps:1. Login to PayPal and click the Send Money tab near top ofscreen2. In the Recipient's Email field type: the email address3. In the Amount field type: 1 (your $1.00 payment)4. In the Category field select: Service (Keeping itlegal)5. In the subject field type: EMAIL LIST ,6. In the message field type: PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR EMAILLIST .(By doing this, you are creating a service and maintaining thelegalityof the system by paying for the service. )7. Finally, click on the Continue button to complete the payment.8. Repeat these steps for each of the 6 email addresses. that's it(By sending the $1.00 payment to each address, you areimplementingthe compounding POWER of the system. You will reap what yousow )Here is the current e-mail list:
      STEP 3:Now take the 1 email off of the list that you see above (fromyour saved file), move the other addresses up (6 becomes 5,5 becomes 4, etc.) and add YOUR email address(the one used for your PayPal account) as number 6 on the list.This is the only part of the document that should be changed.** Make sure to use the email address you registered with PayPal **STEP 4 now post new file created in STEP 3 to at least 200 newsgroupsormessage boards. Keep in mind that there are tens of thousands ofgroups onlineAll you need is 200, but remember the more you postthe more money you make - as well as everyone else on the list----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I've began to see money roll in before I even hit 100 posts, but trytohit around 200 to allow maximum exposure. Use Netscape,Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, or whatever your internet browseris to search for various news groups, on-line forums, message boards,bulletin boards, chat sites, discussions, discussion groups,on-line communities, etc.For example?Log on to any search engine like or and typein a subject like 'MILLIONAIRE MESSAGE BOARD',MONEY MAKINGDISCUSSIONS', 'MONEY MAKING FORUMS', or 'BUSINESS MESSAGEBOARD', etc. You will find thousands and thousands of messageboards. Click them one by one and you will find the option to post anew message. Fill in the subject which will be the header thateveryonesees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particulargroup,and post the article with the NEW list of email addresses included.THAT'S IT All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups andpost away. After you get the hang of it, it will take about 30secondsfor each newsgroup.HOW THE MONEY WORKS:When you post 200 messages in various forums, it is estimated thatat LEAST 15 people will respond and send you a $1.00 ($15.00).Those 15 will Post 200 Posts each and 225 people send you $1.00($225.00), etc. through 6 levels of email addresses. Forcomprehension purposes, here is an easy viewing chart:1) 15(1) = 15 people ($1) = $15 2) 15(15) = 225 people ($1) = $2253) 15(225) = 3375 people ($1) = $33754) 15(3375) = 50625 people ($1) = $506255) 15(50625) = 759375 people ($1) = $759375As you can see, your SpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpam has multipliedexponentially. What other opportunity that is as simple as this cancash in the way this can? I'm not going to say this isgoing to make everyone over $800,000, but within a few WEEKSyou begin to see results, thanks to the speed of the internetWhen your name is no longer on the list, take the latest posting inthe newsgroups and begin the process again. Simply amazing...Follow the system as described, and enjoy your PROFITSREMEMBER... HONESTY AND INTEGRITY = PROFITABILITYYOUR NAME COULD CYCLE FOR A LONG TIMETHIS MAKES IT THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING.This is excellent seed money to start or expand a business, buyyour dream home, car and pay off whatever bills you may have.Good luckHOW TO POST TO NEWS GROUPS?Use Netscape or Internet Explorer and try searching for variousnewsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.)Log on any search engine like,,,, etc.,Search with the subject millionaire messageboard; or; money making message board; or; employmentmessage board; or making money discussions; or; money makingforum; or; business message board; etc.You will find thousands & thousands of message boards.Click on them one by one and you will find the option 'post a newmessage'.Then Post this article as a 'new message' by highlightingthe text of this letter and selecting copy then paste from the editmenu.Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone seesas they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group,clickthe post message button.You're done with your first one It onlytakes

Your Business Website

When your select a domain name for your business, most of the time your want the domain name to be the same as the name of your business.
If you have a long or complicated business name it's usually best to select a domain name that is a short version of your business name, the name of a popular product you sell or a completely new name 
Branding is important here and you want a short and memorable name that you remember from the radio or from a billboard.
Always go for a .COM or a country specific domain extension, like .CA or .CO.UK,  for your business.
Use a country specific extension if the large majority of your customers are from a singly country. The country specific extension will help your search engine rankings in that country, but will reduce your rankings in the rest of the world. Many times a country specific extension will make your look more trustworthy in the local market.
Use a .COM extension of you sell to many countries and especially if you sell to the US. The United States country specific extension .US is not popular so avoid it and use .COM
There is a reason to not use .NET domains. Most people only remember the name part of the domain and automatically adds .COM when typing it into the browser address bar. This means you lose a percentage of visitors that go to the .COM domain instead, and if there is something interesting (perhaps a competitor) on the .COM domain they may never return to your hidden .NET business.
If you really want to have a .NET domain make sure to also register the .COM domain with the same name and redirect it the your .NET website. That way you don't lose the type in traffic that uses dot com by mistake.
The same goes for hyphens. Many times your visitors will not remember the hyphen when they type in your domain and you'll lose some visitors again.
Lets talk about domains for SEO and niche websites in a later newsletter.
Also remember to check out my list of best domain name registratin sites if you need a safe place to register your domains.

How To Select A Good Domain Name

If you already have a busy website and you like your domain there's no need to change it but as soon as you set up a new website or if you are going to rebrand your business with a new business name you need to consider carefully what domain name to choose.
For those of your who don't know the domain name is the base part of the address you type into the browser address bar to open a website. Like "", "" or ""
First of all you need to know what you are going to use the domain for. It could be any of the following.
  • The website of your business.
  • A niche website to make money from ads or selling a ebook
  • A SEO website, like a feeder blog, that exist for the sole purpose of helping your business or niche website rank in the search engines.
Considering the different purposes a domain and website can have your might want to optimize your domain for some but not all of the following
  • A short name that is easy to spell and that people will remember after they have heard someone mention it on the radio or if they read about it two days ago.
  • A name the is built from the nr 1 keyphrase your are targeting with SEO
  •  A name that does not conflict with trademarks or business names already in use in your target market (or you could lose your domain to a trademark holder)
  • A name you want to live with for many years (a lot of your marketing is tied to the domain name)
  • A name without hyphens if possible
  • A .COM or country specific domain for your business
  • A .ORG or country specific domain for your organization

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bloger For Students Earning

As a good student you implemented every strategy that your
mentor told you to do, but with nothing to show for. Are you
missing something or are you just not working hard enough?

None of the above. Your mentor simply didn’t tell you the
whole story. In order to drive massive traffic and rapidly
growing your downline, you need to create name recognition
and brand awareness. Don’t know what this means?

Here’s an example: You are looking for a product. To make it
a bit harder, let’s say this product is free. Even free
stuff is hard to “sell” if you don’t have the trust of your
visitors. Ok, let’s say you can get this product from Amazon
and from Joe’s online store. Both are giving the same free
product away. From whom would you download? I bet it is
Amazon. Why? Because you trust them and you have heard of
them before. On the other hand, who in the world is Joe?

The same principle holds true for any other service or
product offered online. You need to earn the trust of your
visitors and customers before you can start thinking of
making any money. How long does it take to create this name
recognition and brand awareness thing? Years, sometimes many
years. Did I just discourage you from doing anything online?

I hope not, because to every problem there’s a solution
these days. Why should it be any different with this
problem? Ok, let’s get down to the most important asset you
need to create in order to make money online, your downline!

Of course there are many other downline builders out there.
Why should you abandon the ones you’re using and switch over
to another one?

There are 3 reasons why:

  • This downline builder creates name recognition and brand awareness, therefore it is working. Other downline builders are just a bunch of links with your IDs.
  • It is 100% FREE.
  • You can add any downline builder to the system to keep your asset you already worked so hard for. This is actually working in your favor.
  • I could overwhelm you with a flood of testimonials and a mile long list with all the features you get with this downline builder, but I leave this up to you. The only thing you need to remember is the name of this system.

Get Tips For Search Engine Optimization Guideline

If you’re looking for some simple Search Engine Optimization tips that you can do to increase the position of your sites rank in the search engines or directories, this section will give you some hard hitting and simple SEO tips that you can put into action right away.

It is worth cataloging the basic principles to be enforced to increase website traffic and search engine rankings.

• Create a site with valuable content, products or services.

• Place primary and secondary keywords within the first 25 words in
your page content and spread them evenly throughout the document.

• Research and use the right keywords/phrases to attract your target

• Use your keywords in the right fields and references within your web
page. Like Title, META tags, Headers, etc.

• Keep your site design simple so that your customers can navigate easily between web pages, find what they want and buy products and services.

• Submit your web pages i.e. every web page and not just the home page, to the most popular search engines and directory services. Hire someone to do so, if required. Be sure this is a manual submission. Do not engage an automated submission service.

• Keep track of changes in search engine algorithms and processes and accordingly modify your web pages so your search engine ranking remains high. Use online tools and utilities to keep track of how your website is doing.

• Monitor your competitors and the top ranked websites to see what they are doing right in the way of design, navigation, content, keywords, etc.

• Use reports and logs from your web hosting company to see where your traffic is coming from. Analyze your visitor location and their incoming sources whether search engines or links from other sites and the keywords they used to find you.

• Make your customer visit easy and give them plenty of ways to remember you in the form of newsletters, free reports, reduction coupons etc.

• Demonstrate your industry and product or service expertise by writing and submitting articles for your website or for article banks so you are perceived as an expert in your field.

• When selling products online, use simple payment and shipment methods to make your customer’s experience fast and easy.

Monday, September 27, 2010

100 Tips To Get Traffic For Free

1. Join MyBlogLog, add friends, and join communities.
2. Sign up for Technorati and ping it when your blog content changes.
3. Use a ping service like pingomatic to ping RSS aggregators.
4. Submit your blog to all of the directories on Robin Good’s list of RSS directories.
5. Use trackbacks.
6. Leave comments on blogs in related niches.
7. Tell your friends about your blog and specific posts.
8. Put your blog URL in your forum signatures.
9. Create link bait.
10. Tell Your newsletter subscribers about your blog.
11. Write press releases for your blog.
12. Link liberally to other blogs in your posts (many bloggers check who links to them).
13. Tag your posts using Technorati tags or a tag plug-in.
14. Submit your posts to multiple social bookmarking sites using OnlyWire.
15. Use Stumbleupon to stumble your posts.
16. Answer questions on Yahoo answers with the answers on your blog.
17. Answer questions on forums related to your niche with a link to one of your blog posts that answers the question.

18. Set up a feed on MyYahoo so that Yahoo keeps better track of your blog.
19. Make lists (My Top 5…, Ten Things…, etc.). Many of the most popular blog posts are lists like this one.
20. Use pictures. Most of the top trafficed blogs use pictures in their posts.
21. Use video on your blog.
22. Find out what people want to learn about in your blog’s niche and write about it.
23. Be the first to break a news story.
24. Use keyword research to find good keywords to use in your posts.
25. Write controversial posts.
26. Strongly Agree or strongly disagree with other bloggers and write about it with a link to their post.
27. Make it easy for your readers to sign up for your RSS feed.
28. Make it easy for your readers to Digg your posts.
29. Ask your readers to submit your posts to social bookmarking sites (Digg, Reddit, etc.).
30. Interview well known people in your industry (it’s working well for me).
31. Give credit to the blogs that inspire your posts.
32. Don’t be boring.
33. Write for beginners.
34. Participate in group writing projects.
35. Participate in blog memes.
36. Create a blog meme and tag your friends.
37. Participate in blog carnivals.
38. Post at different times of the day.
39. Submit your best posts to article directories.
40. Write Killer Content .
41. Start a group blog. These tend to get more traffic, because more people are creating conent and more people are promoting it.
42. Have guest posters.
43. Create a blog meme and tag an A-list blogger who you like.
44. Submit your blog to regular web directories (like DMOZ, etc.).
45. Join SpicyPage and promote your blog on it.
46. Join a blog webring.
47. Sign up for BlogWoods and promote your blog on it.
48. Join LinkAndBlog and do link and blog challenges.
49. Submit your best posts to Netscape.
50. Exchange Ads (not blogroll links) with complementary blogs.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Get 6 Tips To Increase Your Web Traffic

  1. Offer a contest or sweepstakes with free entry. The prize that they win should be something that would interest your target market. For example, don't offer a free filet mignon if you are targeting vegetarians! The prize could be a product or service that you offer, or it could be a related item that is not direct competition. You can also boost traffic by using another company's product and asking them to let *their* customers know about your free giveaway!
  2. Offer free content. This content could be articles, e-books, directories, etc. Don't just add any content, make sure it is related to your visitor demographic. Keep this content up to date and fresh. Not only will lots of fresh, targeted content make your website more relevant in search engines, but will offer your prospective customers extra information. They are likely to visit your site more often. You can also offer the option to let them reprint information (such as articles or reviews), with a link back to your site.
  3. Create a message forum. Forums allow a free flow of ideas, and your target visitors share at least one common interest - your site! An active message board can bring lots of new visitors. If you have satisfied customers posting on your message board, this is free advertising for your business! You may also choose to offer advertising on your message board. If you are not selling a product, set up an advertising package for banners or other site ads which are related to the interests of your visitors. You can find free message board software at or These sites also offer online help to set up the message boards on your site.
  4. Offer an E-zine. People love information, especially if i free! Offer a free subsription to your online newsletter or e-zine. You can either offer a PDF file of your newsletter, or provide an email link to the information online. Either way works well, altht'souh you would need to have Adobe Acrobat software to write the PDF files. Keep the content of the e-zine relevant to your target audience. You may also offer advertising in the e-zine itselfg. A great place to advertise your e-zine is
  5. Offer online classes or seminars. If you love to teach, this is a wonderful traffic building tool. Whether or not you choose to charge for these is up to you. You could do a free introductory seminar, and then offer other detailed classes for a fee. You can do this on your own website, or you can set it up through a site such as
  6. UniversalClass. With UniversalClass, they host your class for you and you are assigned an individual online classroom. You must prepare an online syllabus and your course will be reviewed. UniversalClass will advertise your course for you, and you will get a portion of the course fees.

Generate Free Internet Traffic On Your Blog

Putting up a company would of course require a lot of things, to get straight to the point, you need a capital. To make money requires money as well. But of course, with the versatility the internet offers, there are many ways you could find that could help optimize the potential of your site or business in generating traffic.

While there are ways to jumpstart your traffic flows, many sites don't have the resources that others have to generate more traffic for your site. Well, you don't have to spend a cent; all you need is the proper mindset and a lot of eagerness. You also must have the drive and perseverance to do hard work and research to generate more traffic for your site.

How sweet it is to have more traffic for your site without spending a single cent. Now it's a sure thing that many sites have articles that offer tips and guidelines in how to generate traffic using only free methods. Because it is possible, you don't need to speed a single cent, it may take time, to say honestly, I'm not going to beat around the bush with you. You get better chances by paying for your advertisements, but at least you get a fighting chance with some of these free methods I'm about to tell you.

Take advantage of online forums and online communities. The great thing about forums and online communities is that you can target a certain group that fits the certain demographic that you are looking for. You can discuss about lots of things about the niche that you represent or offer. Another great advantage is that you know what you are getting into and you will be prepared.

With online communities and forums you can build a reputation for your company. Show them what you are made of and wow them with your range of expertise about the subject, with that you can build a reputation and build trust with the people in your expertise and knowledge.

You can also make use of newsletters. Provide people with a catalog of your products and interesting and entertaining articles. If you make it really interesting and entertaining, more people will sign up for your newsletter and recommend it to other people. The more people who signs up for your newsletter, the more people there will be that will go to your site increasing your traffic.

Another great idea is trading links with other sites. You don't have to spend a cent. All you have to do is reach an agreement with another webmaster. With exchanging links, the efforts both sites do will benefit both sites. Every traffic that goes to the site could potentially click on the link of your site and visit your site as well. This works well especially when both sites feature the same niche.

Write articles that could pique the attention of people that have interest in your product. Try writing articles that will provide tips and guides to other aficionados. Writing articles that provide good service and knowledge to other people would provide the necessary mileage your traffic flow needs.

Many sites offer free submission and posting of your articles. When people find interest in your articles they have a good chance of following the track by finding out where the article originated. Include a link or a brief description of your company with the article and there's a great probability that they will go to your site.

Get 3 Important Ways For More Traffic

  1. Join a paid to chat forum. I won’t get into the details here, but read the related article for my recommendations and how it works - it's free so you have nothing to lose! Please check out the "Additional Resources" section of this article for a direct link to a great article on the best paying paid to chat forums.
  2. Answer Yahoo Questions. I have found this to be a super cool, new way to drive traffic to my sites. Just sign into Yahoo 9or sign up for a free account) and you can begin searching for “questions”. It doesn’t matter what the content of your site is, you’ll find people looking for YOUR information! For example, I have 4 sites that I am working to increase traffic on. For this site (the one you are on right now), I simply search for “unresolved questions” that deal with “working online”, “making money online”, “work from home”, etc. For my Celebrity Gossip site I search “unresolved questions” that relate to celebrity news, rumors, gossip sites, etc. I do this for all of my sites and when I find questions that relate to my weblogs I promote myself in a cleaver way. I will answer the question honestly then post a link to my site that is 100% relevant to the question asked. I have been able to gain an additional 100+ visitors a day from about 15 minutes of answering questions! Not bad, eh? Plus, once you answer the question, both the question as well as your response will continue to be displayed for anybody to see! So one simple “answer” could bring you 10 new visitors a day for the next year!

3.Make a Squidoo Lens. A Squidoo Lens is simply a fancy name chosen by this company that really mean “web page”. Why they call it a “Squidoo Lens”, I have not the slightest clue. But basically you can get even more traffic by creating your own web page through Squidoo. It is a little time consuming but it will pay off if done right. The whole thing is a pre-designed template that you just “fill in the blanks” on.

Top 10 Ways To Get More Traffic

Do you want more traffic to your website? You can have the prettiest site but without traffic what good is it? So how can you get more traffic? It takes time or money or both to get your website noticed. With the millions of websites out there why would anybody click on your link? You don't just build a site and hope that somebody will find it. You need to promote your site. Google, Yahoo, MSN and the other search engines won't just notice you without some effort on your part. Here are some proven methods that work to get extra traffic to your website.

  1. Write articles that are pertinent to your website's theme or topic. The search engines are always looking for interesting, well written, articles about whatever it is that you are promoting. Submit your articles to some of the well-known article directories like E-zine articles and Go articles with your link back to your site in the resource box. Make sure that you do not use old ,stale, articles that you purchased. At the least rewrite the articles. In other words, paraphrased so that the article is unique.
  2. Make sure that you use good keywords. The new trends are to use long tailed keywords. For instance, don't say boats. Use three or four words, coupled with boat. "Boat accessories for sailboats" is a longer phrase that someone might use when searching. This might get you on the first page of the search engine and get your website some traffic.
  3. Try pay per click services provided by Google and Yahoo. This works by paying for certain keywords, then prospects will be directed to your site. This works for many people. Don't bid too much and don't use generic words. Read more about pay per click before you try it.
  4. Join forums that are relevant to your website's theme. Become a contributing member, and then insert a link in the signature file each time you post on a topic. Signature files or "sigs" can bring you traffic if you are perceived as being an expert on that forum. All you need is a little time to post.

  1. Write to webmasters and ask if they will link to your website. If both websites are not on the same topic this can work. Send them a flattering e-mail that says you enjoy their site and ask if they would give you a link.
  2. Paid article link submissions are another option that you can pursue. There are companies that will submit an article to from a hundred to 500 or more different article directories. If people like your article, they will click on the link and you will get traffic to your site.
  3. Use bold, attention getting headlines. Make sure that your use good copy that grabs the reader's attention. Without a good headline people will ignore what's inside your article. Boring copy will make them click away from your site. So make it interesting to read.
  4. Consider buying an ad about your services that you offer on your website. Many E-Zines offer advertising on their sites. A 10 to $50 ad might bring some good traffic to your website.
  5. Write a weekly, bimonthly, or monthly newsletter about what your site offers. People are always looking for good, solid, and most importantly, free information. You can be the provider of that information. Of course, you'll include links that they can click on for products that you are marketing.
  6. Put your website's URL (dotcom name) on your business cards and stationery. Business cards placed on bulletin boards, and in restaurant cashier racks can get you more traffic. Consider placing magnetic signs with your URL on your car with a catchy eye grabbing headline.

Top 25 Tips To Speed Up Your Windows XP

Since defragging the disk won't do much to improve Windows XP performance, here are 23 suggestions that will. Each can enhance the performance and reliability of your customers' PCs. Best of all, most of them will cost you nothing.

  • To decrease a system's boot time and increase system performance, use the money you save by not buying defragmentation software -- the built-in Windows defragmenter works just fine -- and instead equip the computer with an Ultra-133 or Serial ATA hard drive with 8-MB cache buffer.

  • If a PC has less than 512 MB of RAM, add more memory. This is a relatively inexpensive and easy upgrade that can dramatically improve system performance.

  • Ensure that Windows XP is utilizing the NTFS file system. If you're not sure, here's how to check: First, double-click the My Computer icon, right-click on the C: Drive, then select Properties. Next, examine the File System type; if it says FAT32, then back-up any important data. Next, click Start, click Run, type CMD, and then click OK. At the prompt, type CONVERT C: /FS:NTFS and press the Enter key. This process may take a while; it's important that the computer be uninterrupted and virus-free. The file system used by the bootable drive will be either FAT32 or NTFS. I highly recommend NTFS for its superior security, reliability, and efficiency with larger disk drives.

  • Disable file indexing. The indexing service extracts information from documents and other files on the hard drive and creates a "searchable keyword index." As you can imagine, this process can be quite taxing on any system. The idea is that the user can search for a word, phrase, or property inside a document, should they have hundreds or thousands of documents and not know the file name of the document they want. Windows XP's built-in search functionality can still perform these kinds of searches without the Indexing service. It just takes longer. The OS has to open each file at the time of the request to help find what the user is looking for. Most people never need this feature of search. Those who do are typically in a large corporate environment where thousands of documents are located on at least one server. But if you're a typical system builder, most of your clients are small and medium businesses. And if your clients have no need for this search feature, I recommend disabling it. Here's how: First, double-click the My Computer icon. Next, right-click on the C: Drive, then select Properties. Uncheck "Allow Indexing Service to index this disk for fast file searching." Next, apply changes to "C: subfolders and files," and click OK. If a warning or error message appears (such as "Access is denied"), click the Ignore All button. 

  • Update the PC's video and motherboard chipset drivers. Also, update and configure the BIOS. For more information on how to configure your BIOS properly, see this article on my site

  • Empty the Windows Prefetch folder every three months or so. Windows XP can "prefetch" portions of data and applications that are used frequently. This makes processes appear to load faster when called upon by the user. That's fine. But over time, the prefetch folder may become overloaded with references to files and applications no longer in use. When that happens, Windows XP is wasting time, and slowing system performance, by pre-loading them. Nothing critical is in this folder, and the entire contents are safe to delete. 

  • Once a month, run a disk cleanup. Here's how: Double-click the My Computer icon. Then right-click on the C: drive and select Properties. Click the Disk Cleanup button -- it's just to the right of the Capacity pie graph -- and delete all temporary files.

  • In your Device Manager, double-click on the IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers device, and ensure that DMA is enabled for each drive you have connected to the Primary and Secondary controller. Do this by double-clicking on Primary IDE Channel. Then click the Advanced Settings tab. Ensure the Transfer Mode is set to "DMA if available" for both Device 0 and Device 1. Then repeat this process with the Secondary IDE Channel. 

  •  Upgrade the cabling. As hard-drive technology improves, the cabling requirements to achieve these performance boosts have become more stringent. Be sure to use 80-wire Ultra-133 cables on all of your IDE devices with the connectors properly assigned to the matching Master/Slave/Motherboard sockets. A single device must be at the end of the cable; connecting a single drive to the middle connector on a ribbon cable will cause signaling problems. With Ultra DMA hard drives, these signaling problems will prevent the drive from performing at its maximum potential. Also, because these cables inherently support "cable select," the location of each drive on the cable is important. For these reasons, the cable is designed so drive positioning is explicitly clear. 

  •  Remove all spyware from the computer. Use free programs such as AdAware by Lavasoft or SpyBot Search & Destroy. Once these programs are installed, be sure to check for and download any updates before starting your search. Anything either program finds can be safely removed. Any free software that requires spyware to run will no longer function once the spyware portion has been removed; if your customer really wants the program even though it contains spyware, simply reinstall it. For more information on removing Spyware visit this Web Pro News page. 

  •  Remove any unnecessary programs and/or items from Windows Startup routine using the MSCONFIG utility. Here's how: First, click Start, click Run, type MSCONFIG, and click OK. Click the StartUp tab, then uncheck any items you don't want to start when Windows starts. Unsure what some items are? Visit the WinTasks Process Library. It contains known system processes, applications, as well as spyware references and explanations. Or quickly identify them by searching for the filenames using Google or another Web search engine.

  •  Remove any unnecessary or unused programs from the Add/Remove Programs section of the Control Panel.

  • Turn off any and all unnecessary animations, and disable active desktop. In fact, for optimal performance, turn off all animations. Windows XP offers many different settings in this area. Here's how to do it: First click on the System icon in the Control Panel. Next, click on the Advanced tab. Select the Settings button located under Performance. Feel free to play around with the options offered here, as nothing you can change will alter the reliability of the computer -- only its responsiveness. 

  • If your customer is an advanced user who is comfortable editing their registry, try some of the performance registry tweaks offered at Tweak XP.

  • Visit Microsoft's Windows update site regularly, and download all updates labeled Critical. Download any optional updates at your discretion.

  • Update the customer's anti-virus software on a weekly, even daily, basis. Make sure they have only one anti-virus software package installed. Mixing anti-virus software is a sure way to spell disaster for performance and reliability.

  • Make sure the customer has fewer than 500 type fonts installed on their computer. The more fonts they have, the slower the system will become. While Windows XP handles fonts much more efficiently than did the previous versions of Windows, too many fonts -- that is, anything over 500 -- will noticeably tax the system.

  • Do not partition the hard drive. Windows XP's NTFS file system runs more efficiently on one large partition. The data is no safer on a separate partition, and a reformat is never necessary to reinstall an operating system. The same excuses people offer for using partitions apply to using a folder instead. For example, instead of putting all your data on the D: drive, put it in a folder called "D drive." You'll achieve the same organizational benefits that a separate partition offers, but without the degradation in system performance. Also, your free space won't be limited by the size of the partition; instead, it will be limited by the size of the entire hard drive. This means you won't need to resize any partitions, ever. That task can be time-consuming and also can result in lost data.

  • Check the system's RAM to ensure it is operating properly. I recommend using a free program called MemTest86. The download will make a bootable CD or diskette (your choice), which will run 10 extensive tests on the PC's memory automatically after you boot to the disk you created. Allow all tests to run until at least three passes of the 10 tests are completed. If the program encounters any errors, turn off and unplug the computer, remove a stick of memory (assuming you have more than one), and run the test again. Remember, bad memory cannot be repaired, but only replaced.

  • If the PC has a CD or DVD recorder, check the drive manufacturer's Web site for updated firmware. In some cases you'll be able to upgrade the recorder to a faster speed. Best of all, it's free.

  • Disable unnecessary services. Windows XP loads a lot of services that your customer most likely does not need. To determine which services you can disable for your client, visit the Black Viper site for Windows XP configurations. 

  •  If you're sick of a single Windows Explorer window crashing and then taking the rest of your OS down with it, then follow this tip: open My Computer, click on Tools, then Folder Options. Now click on the View tab. Scroll down to "Launch folder windows in a separate process," and enable this option. You'll have to reboot your machine for this option to take effect.

  • At least once a year, open the computer's cases and blow out all the dust and debris. While you're in there, check that all the fans are turning properly. Also inspect the motherboard capacitors for bulging or leaks. For more information on this leaking-capacitor phenomena, you can read numerous articles on my site. Following any of these suggestions should result in noticeable improvements to the performance and reliability of your customers' computers. If you still want to defrag a disk, remember that the main benefit will be to make your data more retrievable in the event of a crashed drive.

10 Tips Online Security

About 95% Fraud are done during online workings
Here I am listing my 10 tips for online security

1. Always install a good antivirus software and keep it up-to-date. Also install a good anti-spyware to keep your PC away from spywares. Click Here for a list of recommended anti-spyware softwares.

2. Always visit known and trusted websites. If you are about to visit an unknown website, ensure that you do not click on suspectable links and banners.

3. Perform a virus scan on the files/email attachments that you download before executing them.

4. Regularly Update your operating system and browser software. For a better security it is recommended that you surf the Internet through the latest version of your browser program.

5. Never share your password (email, bank logins etc.) with any one for any reason. Choose a strong password (A blend of alphanumeric+special symbols) and change it regularly, eg. every 3 months. Avoid using easy-to-guess passwords. (ex. pet’s name or kid’s name)

6. Always type the URL of the website in your browser’s address bar to enter the login pages. For ex. To login to your Gmail account type 

7. Before you enter your password on any login page, ensure that you see https instead of http. ex. instead of HTTPS protocol implements SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and provide better security than a normal HTTP. For more information on HTTPS and SSL see Know More About Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

8. Beware of phishing emails! Do not respond to any email that request you to update your login details by clicking on a link in the body of the email. Such links can lead to Fake Login Pages (Spoofed Pages). For more information on phishing refer What is Phishing?. Also refer How to Protect an Email Account from being Hacked.

9. Always hit the logout button to close your login session rather than abruptly terminating the browser window. Also clear your web browser caches after every session to remove the temporary files stored in the memory and hard disk of your PC.

10. Avoid (Stop) using any public computers or computers in the Internet cafes to access any sensitive/confidential information. Also avoid such computers to login to your email/bank accounts. You cannot be sure if any spyware, keystroke-logger, password-sniffer and other malicious programs have not been installed on such a PC.

Top 12 Tips To Make Your PC Virus Free

Here I am Writing 12 short, easy and interesting steps to make your PC virus free
Please follow these steps and give suggestions.

1. Email is one of the common ways by which your computer can catch a virus. So it is always recommended to stay away from SPAM. Open only those emails that has it’s origin from a trusted source such as those which comes from your contact list. If you are using your own private email host (other than gmail, yahoo, hotmail etc.) then it is highly recommended that you use a good anti-spam software. And finally NEVER click on any links in the emails that comes from untrusted sources.

2. USB thumb/pen drives is another common way by which viruses spread rapidly. So it is always a good habit to perform a virus scan before copying any data onto your computer. NEVER double-click the pen drive to open it. Instead right-click on it and select the option “open”. This is a safe way to open a pen drive. 

3. Be careful about using MS Outlook. Outlook is more susceptible to worms than other e-mail programs, unless you have efficient Anti-Virus programs running. Use Pegasus or Thunderbird (by Mozilla), or a web-based program such as Hotmail or Yahoo (In Firefox).

4. As we all know, Internet is the main source of all the malicious programs including viruses, worms, trojans etc. In fact Internet contributes to virus infection by up to 80%. So here are the tips for safe surfing habits so that you can ward off virus infection up to the maximum extent.

* Don’t click on pop-up windows that announce a sudden disaster in your city or announce that you’ve won an hourly prize. They are the ways to mislead Internet users and you should never trust them.
* You can also use a pop-up blocker to automatically block those pop-ups.

5. Most of us use search engines like Google to find what we are looking for. It is quite obvious for a malicious website to get listed in the search results. So to avoid visiting those untrusted malicious websites, you can download and install the AVG LinkScanner which is a freeware. This tool can become very handy and will help you to stay away from malicious websites.

6. Install a good antivirus software and keep it updated. Also perform full system scan periodically. It is highly recommended that you turn on the automatic update feature. This is the most essential task to protect your PC from virues. If PC security is your first option then it is recommended that you go for a shareware antivirus software over the free ones. Most of the antivirus supports the Auto-Protect feature that provides realtime security for your PC. Make sure that this feature is turned on.

7. Install a good Antispyware program, that operates against Internet malware and spyware.

8. Never open any email attachments that come from untrusted sources. If it is a picture, text or sound file (these attachments end in the extensions .txt, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .tif, .mp3, .htm, .html, and .avi), you are probably safe, but still do a scan before opening.

9. Do not use disks that other people gave you, even from work. The disk could be infected with a virus. Of course, you can run a virus scan on it first to check it out.

10. Set up your Windows Update to automatically download patches and upgrades. This will allow your computer to automatically download any updates to both the operating system and Internet Explorer. These updates fix security holes in both pieces of software.

11. While you download files from untrusted websites/sources such as torrents, warez etc. make sure that you run a virus scan before executing them.

12. And finally it is recommended not to visit the websites that feature illegal/unwanted stuffs such as cracks, serials, warez etc. since they contribute much in spreading of viruses and other malicious programs.