Thursday, September 23, 2010

Secret Of Writing An Article For You Blog/Web

  1. First and foremost, your idea must be original and it must be marketable. Kind of obvious, I know, but at the end of the day, the publisher needs to make money (and so do you).
  2. Write a comprehensive and well thought-out Series Proposal, which includes: an overview of major characters, details of the setting, the series concept or rationale, information on the current market and competition, and an outline, or mini synopsis, of the books planned for the series.
  3. Think of the proposal as a sales pitch and use persuasive, upbeat and positive language. Don’t be afraid to let your passion for the project shine through. You don’t need to go overboard, but just like you wouldn’t write a dreary and uninviting story, you shouldn’t write a dreary and uninviting series proposal.
  4. Ideally, the series concept should have a USP, which in marketing speak is a unique selling proposition. This goes back to the idea of your series concept being original. Make sure you know what it is that makes your series different from all the others out there. Something that is going to make people buy your books. Something that is going to tell publishers how to place it in the market.
  5. It’s always good to have at least the first instalment in the series written, or at least the first few chapters for longer works. Submit the sample story or chapters with your proposal.
  6. The first book in a series is the key to hooking a potential publisher and your target audience. Make it as perfect as it can be. No matter how impressive your proposal is, your story writing must still be exceptional. Just like a stand-alone novel, you only have one chance to impress.
  7. Digging deeper to the books themselves, the key to success in writing for kids is what it’s always been: stand-out characters that readers instantly bond with and care about, well-paced plots, loads of tension with a twist here and there, and a satisfying resolution.

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