Always wanted desktop extras for some specialised tasks like managing your cash flow or printing a CD or DVD cover but unwilling to pay a bundle for them? Well, the following specialised desktop utilities for those difficult tasks are totally free and will allow you to manage and organize your life and most importantly, save money at the same time :
1. Organize Your Tasks And To-Do List With Easy To-Do
A simple but powerful program from Xanadu Tools, Easy To-Do helps you to manage your To-Do lists and is a great tool for anyone with too much on their mind. With Easy To-Do you can become more efficient and get more things done in less time. Easy To-Do can also function as project-management software, letting you assign tasks to a resource, e.g. a project or a person responsible for the task. With an easy to use interface, features like the ability to categorize tasks, customized reports, creating recurring tasks and sound and speech reminders make Easy To-Do a nifty tool for organizing your life.
2. Manage Your Cash Flow With Easy Cash Manager
Easy Cash Manager is a great tool for managing your finances and is extremely user friendly. Unlike Excel, there is no need to create a spreadsheet of columns and cells or rack your brains to come up with complicated formulas to crunch those numbers. You simply input your expenses and income day by day and the software will generate graphs to help you track your finances by month and year.
3. Read Out Your Text Files With SmartRead
A nifty tool that makes your PC seem loaded with artificial intelligence, SmartRead will read out your text files if you get tired of reading long documents. Simply load a text document - those files that end in ".txt" or ".rtf" - and the software will read it out. Imagine your daughter's surprise if the computer were to read out a text greeting you have prepared for her birthday!
4. Make Movies For Your iPod With Free Video to iPod Converter
Here is a great utility for the many who own an iPod that can play video files - a software that lets you convert almost any video file into one supported by your iPod. Without having the need to spent hundreds of dollars for video editing software to convert those files, the Free Video to iPod Converter also works for the Sony PlayStation Portable and mobile phones. Simply point the software to the desired video file, which can be in formats like MPEG, QuickTime or Windows Media Video, and it will happily produce a new iPod-friendly version for you.
5. Print CD or DVD Cover With UndercoverXP
A very handy free software for creative souls who cut their own music and want their own personalised CD or DVD covers. With UndercoverXP, simply drag and drop the desired images into the template's slots and once the design is done, print it out with your photo printer.
6. Manage Your Photo Library With PICASA 2
PICASA may be old hat but it still one of the most useful free software for managing the thousands of photos in your PC's hard drive. Together with simple editing tools for enhancing photos like the Fill Light tuning tool, PICASA 2 should be the choice as long as you have photos that need sorting.
7. Convert Image Files With Irfan View
If all you want is to view and convert those picture attachments that your friends sent over e-mail, put aside an expensive and complex software like Adobe Photoshop and opt for Irfan View. Irfan View converts images into various file formats - from RAW or EPS files to, say, JPEG - and can even create quick slideshows.
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