Monday, September 20, 2010

Chat Rooms

Chat Rooms
A chat is a real-time typed conversation that takes place on a computer. Real time means that you and the people with whom you are convers¬ing are online at the same time. A chat room is a location on an Internet server that permits users to chat with each other. Anyone in the chat room can participate in the conversation, which usually is specific to a particular topic.
As you type on your keyboard, a line of characters and symbols is displayed on the computer screen. Others connected to the same chat room server also see what you have typed.Some chat rooms support voice chats and video chats, in which people hear or see each other as they chat.
To start a chat session, you connect to a chat server through a program called a chat client. Today's browsers usually include a chat client. If yours does not, you can download a chat client from the Web. Some Web sites allow users to con¬duct chats without a chat client.
Once you have installed a chat client, you can create or join a conversation on the chat server to which you are connected. The chat room should indicate the discussion topic. The person who creates a chat room acts as the operator and has responsibility for monitoring the conversation and disconnecting anyone who becomes disrup¬tive. Operator status can be shared or transferred to someone else.

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