Here at we love web cams! We have shown you lots ofinteresting stuff you can do with a web cam to do with your web cam like, Free Face Recognition Software, Controlling a mouse with a web cam, Turning a Simple web cam into a Security Camera etc. Now we’re going to be showing you some really really cool web cam effects you can have fun with :) You may use these effects for making short videos, taking pictures and you can even amaze your friends during online video chat over Skype or any VoIP server. The software is very similar to HP Media Smart Web Cam.
The Software is known as ManyCam all you have to do is that go this web site and click on Download, once many cam has downloaded you can install it the installation is pretty simple and self explanatory. To have a better idea about what mini cam is actually capable of doing watch the following video and get amazed ;)
Once you have installed the app and it’s running you can use it individually for taking pictures or for making a short video. You can also use it with Skype. To configure it with skype have many cam open and go to skype options (via tools -> Options) and click on Video Settings. Select Many Cam Video Source as your camera. Now many cam will take your video from the default camera device change it according to your requirement and then send it over IP ;)
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