Sunday, September 12, 2010

Get Chitika Launched MEGA-Unit Ads Layout Guide

Would you pay $1 for a Tweet? PayPerPost creators Izea have launched Sponsored Tweets (at last month that allows advertisers to pay for sponsored tweets across the Twitter network. (ST) suggested that as a Twitter account holder and a member of ST, you may charge $1 for each tweet.

If you received 100 sponsored tweets to be forwarded to your own followers, you would earn $100 instantly. Sound good. But in reality, SponsoredTweets is a sham. I have tried this service for a few weeks and the response is so cold that I have decided to detached myself from SponsoredTweets. SponsoredTweets will probably work for you, if you have a larger followers-base and some rich advertisers.

And come to think of it, who would want to spend $1 for each tweet. For the advertisers, there are better advertising avenue then SponsoredTweets.

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Posted by BlogTactic at 4:49 PM 3 COMMENTS
Labels: Advertising
FRIDAY, MAY 15, 2009
Chitika Launched MEGA-Unit Ads Layout

North America Pay-Per-Click ads network Chitika has introduced a new ads unit called MEGA-Unit ads. Chitika claimed that the new ads unit potentially can increase your click through. The layout dimension for Chitika MEGA-Unit ads measured 550 x 250. It should be able to coexist with other ads from other network.

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