Monday, September 20, 2010


A search engine is helpful in locating Web pages about certain topics or in locating specific Web pages, images, videos, news, and other information for which you do not know the exact Web address. Thousands of search engines are available. Some search through Web pages for all types of information. Other search engines can restrict their searches to a specific type of information, such as the following items:
Images — pictures, diagrams, and drawings.
Videos — home videos, music videos, television programs, and movie clips.
Audio — music, songs, recordings, and sounds.
News — headlines of news articles.
Maps — maps of a business or address, ordriving directions to a destination.
People or Businesses — addresses and telephone numbers.
Blogs — specific opinions and ideas of others.
Search engines require that you enter a word or phrase, called search text or keywords, that describe the item you want to find. Search engines often respond with results that include thousands of results, whose content varies depending on the type of information you are seeking. Some results are links to Web pages or other results are media, such as images OR VIDEOS.  You may find that many items that appear in the search results have little or no bearing on the item you are seeking. You can eliminate the superfluous items in your search i by carefully crafting search text that linitsin search engine Page. Most search engines sequence the hits based on how close the words in the search text are to one another in the titles and descriptions of the hits. Thus, the first few links probably contain more relevant information

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