Monday, September 20, 2010

Small Office/Home Office Use Computer

Computers assist small business and home office users in managing their resources effec-tively. A small office/home office (SOHO) includes any company with fewer than 50 employees, as well as the self-employed who work from home. Small offices include local law practices, accounting firms, travel agencies, and florists. SOHO users typically have a desktop computer to perform some or all of their duties. Many also have smart phones or other mobile devices to manage appointments and contact information.
SOHO users access the Internet — often wirelessly — to look up information such as addresses (Figure), directions, postal codes, flights, and package shipping rates or to make telephone calls. Nearly all SOHO users communicate with others through e-mail.
Many have entered the e-commerce arena and conduct business on the Web. Their Web sites advertise products and services and may pro¬vide a means for taking orders. Small business Web sites sometimes use a Web cam to show the world a live view of some aspect of their business.
To save money on hardware and software, small offices often network their computers. For example, the small office connects one printer to a network for all employees to share. SOHO users often have basic business software such as word processing and spread¬sheet software to assist with document prepara¬tion and finances (Figure). They are likely to use other industry-specific types of software. A candy shop, for example, will have software that allows for taking orders and payments, updating inventory, and paying vendors.

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