Sunday, August 29, 2010

Signature Advertising Guide

by ALEX ·

Sig na ture adver tis ing on forums is one of, if not the best free forms of adver tis ing on the web. All you have to do is type in some anchor text and wrap that text around a URL and start post ing on a forum. It is the kind of pro mo tion I do every day I go on the com puter, and it has been the most ben e fi cial adver tis ing I have done yet. I bet that most of you read ing this now prob a bly found this link on some forum.

How sig na ture adver tis ing works is like this. After every post you make, another user will read your post and then hope fully notice the link. If you made your anchor text descrip tive enough, and it inter ests them then they will most likely click on the link which will bring them to your web site. Always remem ber to make the text descrip tive, and don’t make it sound like spam.

Need help get ting your link noticed? Some times it’s hard to make your link stand out from your post, but if you take some of the fol low ing ideas to mind then you should be well on your way to effec tively adver tise your forum through your signature.

Dec o rate your link with the forums BBCode
BBCode is like HTML, you can use it to make stuff look pretty. Make your text bold, italic, col ored, you can do what ever really. On just about every forum soft ware, the BBCode val ues are the same. So it’s easy to just copy and paste it from one forum to the other. I would rec om mend you make your text col ored and bold, because in my opin ion that is the best way to make it recognizable.

Com mon BBCode value are:
[B]Makes text bold[/B]
[I]Makes text italic[/I]
[COLOR=RED]Makes text red[/COLOR]
Just a note: The Size BBCode is valu able too, but most forums don’t allow the text to be much big ger than the default value, so you may not be able to use it. But if you can, use it. Just don’t make it obnox iously big because that’s just, well, obnoxious!

Post plenty of topics
Top ics are what start the chain of posts. If you post a hot topic, you will have the first post in the topic. Hot top ics get a lot of replies and atten tion, so when a new poster goes into see what all the buzz is about, they will have to read your post. You don’t even have to post a topic with 1,000 replies, just a few every once in a while. They will all get some kind of atten tion depend ing on the size of the forum.

Types of top ics that get decent attention
Forum Games (What are you lis ten ing to right now, Count to on mil lion, etc.)
Con tro ver sial Top ics (Like George Bush dodg ing a shoe)
News, How-To’s and Top 10 posts. They’re a hit on blog posts, and are usu ally a big ger hit on a forum.
Ask ques tions
Some times you will be mak ing a new topic to ask a ques tion, but not always of course. When you ask a ques tion, EVERYONE wants to answer it. You will prob a bly get tons of answers from so many dif fer ent peo ple. Take for exam ple Dig i tal Point forums. Ask a ques tion, and on aver age (based on my expe ri ence there) you will get about 5?–?10 peo ple answer ing it. That’s 5?–?10 peo ple look ing at your post with your link under it. I’m sure you will get quite a few of those peo ple to click your link.

Spread around some advice, get a few clicks in return
If you answer a ques tion, hand out some good advice, or give a good review on some­thing then it turns out you might be a lit tle liked by that user. You want some one to think “Well, they look pretty nice, I think I might visit their site”.

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