Sunday, September 12, 2010

What is information corrected Guide?

If you believe your personal data is inaccurate, you should write to the organisation to tell them what you believe is wrong with your information and what should be done to correct it.
There is no particular form of words that you need to use, provided that you make clear the following:
  • who you are and what personal information is wrong; and
  • what should be done to correct it.
If you are sending a letter, you should consider sending it by recorded delivery. You can also email your letter if the organisation can identify you and the personal information you are referring to from your email.
Keep a copy of what you send and any replies you receive. Record the dates of all correspondence.

Who do I contact if I have difficulty getting my information corrected?

If the organisation fails to correct the information on your request, you should write to them again, enclosing a copy of your original letter and requesting a response.
If they still refuse, or fail to deal with your request, we may be able help.

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